We just returned from a really neat solar home in Ripton, VT. Decked out with PV panels, this structure incorporates a diverse array of green design elements. From local Vermont slate countertops to cabinet shelves made of compressed sawdust, the building materials were as green as could be.
Homeowners Judy and Kyle gave us a tour, showcasing their forced-air woodstove, battery bank, and multi-level architecture. Judy remarked on how time-consuming it was to research and locate eco-friendly home products, adding that many of those items are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. Time is definitely a limiting factor for our project, so we need to be efficient in our efforts to identify products and suppliers for the Self-Reliance home.
It was inspiring to see a house in a rural area that still felt relatively modern inside. It was also helpful to see certain architectural elements that we have been considering in our design, such as eight-inch white pine posts. The more we see, the more we are inspired.
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