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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Office Animals

Recently, our office at the Harris Farmhouse has been attracting wild animals. In the past week, we have encountered multiple snakes, frogs, insects, and other creatures around the premises. Most surprisingly, we discovered that a small family of feral cats has been living under the foundation of the building. The two kittens appear to be around eight weeks old and their mother is quite protective. Since feline overpopulation is a pressing problem in Addison County, the local Humane Society came over and set up traps to catch, spay/neuter, and administer shots to the cats. From there, they will either be socialized and adopted as domestic pets, or released back to their original outdoor site. Adding to the animal excitement, one of the team members decided to adopt a Humane Society kitten that had been saved from a similar situation. His name is Frizby Bixby, and his upbeat presence in the office has quickly earned him the official title of Team Mascot.

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